Ganpati Bappa Morya - A Simple Ganesha Drawing

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to all...

Ganesh Chaturthi is a Hindu festival to celebrate the birth of Lord Ganesha.

Ganesha is considered Lord of letters and learning. Ganesha is also known as Vighneshvara or Vighnaraja or Vighnaharta , the Lord of Obstacles, both of a material and spiritual order.


So to celebrate this festival I tried making this simple drawing of Ganesha with color.

First of all make an outline of Ganesha on the paper. You can use any imagination of yours to make the drawing. I used a very simple depiction as my imagination. One can get any image from the internet or anywhere and try it.

After making the outline, I coated the whole paper with a thin sheen of clear water. Keep applying water till you see a shining sheen of water on the paper. And always use a good quality watercolor paper that will not crumble under the water.

Now select the color of your choice. You can choose any set of colors. Here I choose yellow and red because I wanted to give a soothing sunrise effect. First I applied the yellow color diagonally from the the bottom of the sheet. I kept varying the thickness of brushstrokes. Also I left some white space in between the strokes. Now before the paper dries, I took the red color and applied diagonally from the top. Again I varied my brushstrokes and kept some white space in between the strokes. But now filled some of the white space that I had left earlier in between the yellow.

So in a nutshell, I have put more yellow towards the lower corner of my sheet and more red in the upper corner. Then in the white space in between yellow and red I put the opposite color.

You can use your choice of colors and you direction. But keep one thing in mind apply all the color before the paper dries. Because after drying it will mix and blend the colors. This will create a really beautiful effect.

Now let the paper dry completely. Once the paper dries, I loaded my brush with black color and colored the outline of Ganesha. I kept minimum water in the brush. One can use any dark color of choice but it should be different than the background. Once all the outline is covered it will look like a modern art of Ganesha.

Do try this simple Ganesha painting. This is a very simple Ganesha drawing that anyone even the kids can make. Enjoy Ganesh Chaturthi.

Ganpati Bappa Morya....
